This being my first post, I should explain who I am and what I am up to!
I have spent most of my life (38 years) in Heavy Industry and Mining (as a Laborer, Purchasing Officer, Engineering Technician). Lindi and I are now self-funded retirees. I have 'retired' so that I can finally pursue my creative interests.
I started writing in 1988. Because I was busy earning a living for myself and my family (and being a self-employed small businessman for 17 of those 38 years), I didn't get far in any of the creative ventures that I tried in my spare time - quite simply because there usually wasn't any spare time!
I love Writing. I love Painting. I love using my Still Camera and Video Camera. I love being involved in Live Theatre. My aim is to now spend more time in those pursuits AND in spending more time with my lovely lady and our family.
That book that I started to write in 1988 (To the Honour of the Kings - fantasy fiction) will finally be published this year. There is just a small matter of finalising the cover artwork! In the meantime, though, I have jumped in with a small (94 pages) Personal Development book that I published in March 2011. More detail on this book (With a Mind to Achieve) and the fantasy fiction book can be found on our Reflective Bubble Creative Arts Website (along with sample chapters and other articles on Artistic Topics).
My aim with this Blog is to provide an avenue to Interact with friends and other people (yet to become friends) who are interested in my Artistic dalliances and the meanderings of the Universe in general. I will write articles and express opinions that others are welcome to agree with ...or disagree with.
Artistic Expression will, therefore, dominate these pages. I look forward to meeting you here.
I also have a presence on Twitter, as ProfessorWhen, (You will understand this when you review the Reflective Bubble Magazine) and a page on Facebook - as Wayne Jarman (Author)
Wishing you all the best.